Linggo, Hulyo 24, 2016


The prom is a yearly social event commemorating students' completion of high school. But it is far from celebrating academic achievement. It is the ultimate event of the teen social scene
Prom night is a formal occasion and most people will be dressed up for the entire evening. Guys typically wear tuxedos, while girls choose formal prom dresses.

What happened in our prom is some students have a task to have speech like opening remarks, passing of the responsibilities and class prophecy. In class prophecy, the students in Grade 10 were there , we imagined ourselves after 10 years , and it very amazing because all of them like it. And also the dance, the dance socializing, you can talk for a minute with your partner. The prom is very nice and I considered it as my memorable event in my life.

Huwebes, Hulyo 21, 2016

manuel quezon

Manuel Quezon stated that every possible precaution has been taken to insure speedy and impartial justice, maintaining, in fact, the equality of all men before the law. I have not tolerated corruption, inefficiency, or injustice in public office; and I pledge myself to persevere in my efforts to sweep every nook and cranny of the Government clean of every deleterious influence that might impair the vitality of the body politic. Our national defense is being organized without reference to any foreign aggressor.Freedom, no less than prosperity, has come to us, much more as a gift of heaven than as the fruit of our own hard efforts through a long period of suffering and privation.We have secured political rights almost for the asking, and we have gained prosperity not only because of the bounties of our extraordinarily fertile soil, but also through the advantages that our economic association with the richest and most generous people in the world has given us.Let us be realists. And let us above all be true to ourselves.. Let us cast away pretense and futile pride. Let us look at ourselves stripped of the veil and trappings with which in our vanity we often cover ourselves. That we are at all capable of doing this and detecting the weaknesses from which we suffer is vindication enough of the excellence of our race.We have attained our freedom, but our spirit is still bound by the shackles forged from the frailties of our nature. We owe it to ourselves and our posterity to strike them down.We are known for our placidity and passivity.The world are straining themselves to attain higher levels of progress and national security. We shall not lag behind.

Martes, Hulyo 19, 2016


The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is characterized by much diversity in terms of geography, society, economic development, and health outcomes. The health systems as well as healthcare structure and provisions vary considerably. Consequently, the progress toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in these countries also varies. The ASEAN countries have made good progress toward UHC, partly due to relatively sustained political commitments to endorse UHC in these countries. However, all the countries in ASEAN are facing several common barriers to achieving UHC, namely 1) financial constraints, including low levels of overall and government spending on health; 2) supply side constraints, including inadequate numbers and densities of health workers; and 3) the ongoing epidemiological transition at different stages characterized by increasing burdens of non-communicable diseases, persisting infectious diseases, and reemergence of potentially pandemic infectious diseases. The ASEAN Economic Community's (AEC) goal of regional economic integration and a single market by 2015 presents both opportunities and challenges for UHC. Healthcare services have become more available but health and healthcare inequities will likely worsen as better-off citizens of member states might receive more benefits from the liberalization of trade policy in health, either via regional outmigration of health workers or intra-country health worker movement toward private hospitals, which tend to be located in urban areas. For ASEAN countries, UHC should be explicitly considered to mitigate deleterious effects of economic integration. Political commitments to safeguard health budgets and increase health spending will be necessary given liberalization's risks to health equity as well as migration and population aging which will increase demand on health systems. I believe that ASEAN has significant potential to become a force for better health in the region. I hope that all ASEAN citizens can enjoy higher health and safety standards, comprehensive social protection, and improved health status. The Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) has been the principal response of ASEAN and its partners to the development divide. While the four newer ASEAN members have found the IAI projects generally useful, more could be done to make them more coherent, subject their selection and design to greater rigour, strengthen them with provisions for follow-through and assessment, and give the newer members a greater sense of ownership. Honestly, the ASEAN projects are quite useful in terms on our economy, because the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is in the process of creating  a single market and production base called “ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY “ which will allow the free flow of goods , services, investments and skilled labor and the freer movement of capital across the region . The ASEAN Economic Community helps us in our initiatives; it increases your competitiveness, promoting equitable economic development and also develop our strategies in life. ASEAN also helps each country to move their economy higher. The Association of South East Asian Nations has made strides in regional integration and cooperation, aided by unique modes of governance privileging consensus and non-interference. However, the social dimension is in the early stages of development and is currently detached from economic integration initiatives. The movement of low- and unskilled workers, many of whom are undocumented, has received especially little attention in ASEAN. Their growing numbers underscore the importance of treating migration as integral rather than separate from labor and general social protection issues. The establishment of regional agreements on social protection and integration, with particular focus on migration and labor standards, should signal the recognition of the economic nature of migration, and help strengthen the relevance and profile of ASEAN among the citizens of member countries. The AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) will have major benefits for the Philippines. However, to maximize these benefits, the government must take decisive actions now, especially in terms of labor and employment as too many workers are still in poor quality jobs . Under the planned regional integration, the AEC will set in motion the creation of a single market spanning the 10-nation bloc that includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The integration would result in a freer flow of goods, services, investment and skilled labor coming from AEC at remarkably lower tariffs. The study found that ASEAN integration could lead to about 60 percent increased demand for high-skilled employment positions such as managers, professionals, technicians and associate professionals. the Asian Development Bank and the International Labour Organization examines the impact of the ASEAN Economic Community on labor. It highlights the challenges and opportunities that will accompany the AEC, including managing labor migration, boosting productivity and wages, and improving job quality. the full potential of the AEC to deliver more and better jobs, decisive action is necessary, including better management of structural change, ensuring that economic gains lead to shared prosperity, while strengthening regional cooperation and tripartite dialogue. Ultimately, the success of ASEAN regional integration will depend on how it affects the labor market and therefore how it improves the quality of life of women and men in the region. But I think ASEAN is still far from being economically integrated as a region and there is a little prospect that it will be fully integrated as envisioned in the near future.